Our Promise To You Together, we can achieve so much – YOUR donations are what makes the life-changing services we offer possible!
We Promise
To keep being transparent in our work and accountable to you, our beautiful supporters.
We Promise
To keep doing everything in our power to ensure that all of the special children in our care have everything they need and everything their little hearts deserve. We will keep on smothering them with love and affection. We will keep them laughing, playing and learning. We will keep on pushing for them to better themselves and to be somebody and something when they are all grown up.We Promise To nurture, love and protect the babies in our care, helping them reach all their milestones.We Promise To fight for permanency, whether that be adoption or reunification. Because every child deserves a family.We Promise To continue to work towards being a self- sustainable organisation.We Promise To NEVER give up and to ALWAYS respond and action every call we receive regarding a child that needs us!
Donate To LikhoniThembaDonate Straight Into Our Bank Account:LikhoniThemba FNB – Durban North Branch Code – 220426 Account Number – 62396663918OR Donate through a Checkers Voucher using Kim's mobile number 083 232 5501 ORDonate using the Zapper QR Code below