Rainbow after the storm
Home /Our adoption journey has been beautiful, intense, heart-breaking, rewarding, exhausting and perfect all-in-one.Our journey started in December 2017. Having known our little boy since he was 2 weeks old, we had no idea that he was the boy that was put on this earth for us, and us for him, until that December. There are many parts of the process that I don’t remember, as I have chosen to block it out of our story. The tears, heartbreak and uncertainty at many times were so overwhelming, but, through every emotion, we knew full-well that this little boy was ours, and there wasn’t a thing in this world that we wouldn’t have done to make sure it was that way.Now that we are nearing the finish line, we look back, and, even though there were so many times we had to catch our breath and start the fight all over again, we would do it a million times over, knowing that we were gaining a child, OUR child.We so often look at our boy and have to remind ourselves that we didn’t birth him. The beauty in the adoption process is that the child is completely woven into every fibre of your family, so that, by the time the adoption goes through, there is no doubt in any mind that the child is so perfectly formed into YOUR family.Was it scary and overwhelming? Absolutely, so is birth.Would we do it all over again? 100 times over, with no doubt in our minds.PS – I really feel it is important to add that adoption is NOT a plan B. Adoption is not only if you cannot conceive a child and an option for after you give birth. Adoption is not only for the perfectly married couple. Adoption is for EVERYONE. We were unmarried when we started the process and it didn’t affect us at all. To have him part of our own journey to marriage made it that much more special.Adoption is perfect, beautiful, scary, all-in-one. But then again, the best things in life are always the rainbow after the storm.