OUR 2020 In A Nutshell

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2020 In A Nutshell

What a year it has been, a world pandemic, lockdown, our big MOVE, and now, it is nearly Christmas already, where has the time gone?We would like to take this newsletter opportunity to show YOU, our wonderful, beautiful supporters just what your donations have helped us to achieve this year…We have had a busy year, we have had little ones leave us (One of those went overseas) and during lockdown we welcomed into our home and hearts, six new kids.While we are “Over” numbers, the need is so great so how could we limit ourselves to just six kids, we currently have nine little ones and a 10th expected to join us before the new year.2021 is expected to be a busy year with unwanted pregnancies or mothers who cannot financially support their babies due to the pandemic. So, we are working to create even more space.A few weeks ago, our Baby saver alerted us to a baby being placed into the baby safe.  We rushed to the baby saver and were welcomed by the most beautiful new-born baby boy. While it is terribly sad that a mother felt that she could not care for her child, we are so thankful she left him somewhere safe.Here at HOLAH we don’t just supply necessities; we provide love, we create a warm, caring environment, we teach these beautiful little souls everything they know.  We are not just a baby home anymore, we are a place of safety for abandoned babies and children, and we run a home for kids with special needs, we want to give them a fighting chance by being able to provide them with the equipment and skills they need.

Through amazing donors, we have been lucky enough to receive this incredible equipment for our special need’s children. These items are a massive help with their therapy and getting their bodies working as best they can.
During 2020 we were able to get the kids specialized chairs, protective helmets, walking frames and standing frames. They also got some amazing sensory items that they absoultely love. They had a week of ABM therapy where the incredible Red balloon foundation came from Joburg to provide a week of intense therapy. The kids always get so much out of it. We were also able to host another little boy with Cerebral palsy and his mom, so he could also benefit from this therapy.We are hoping to raise funds in 2021 to get a large enough vehicle to transport our special needs kids and their wheelchairs. It would be so amazing to be able to get them all out and about more and as a group.We want you to know that every single donation goes exactly where it is needed, and it is completely worth it!
Without YOUR support, none of what we do would be possible, without YOUR donations helping us with the necessities, we would not be able to care for these angels like they deserve.Our Initiative of Hop Shop has fundamentally changed us.  Your donations to Hop Shop have helped us to be more self-sustainable (something we are incredibly proud of), we take in and sell, pretty much anything and everything that is in working order. From furniture, adult and kids clothing, toys, kitchenware, CDS, DSD, vintage items to electronics, stationery and linen. The list is endless. And if we hear of people that need support with any of the above things we try to help and donate to them when we can. and we have now included a day where we do a collection of all these goods to make it easier for you if you can’t get to our drop off point.
During 2020 we launched our new project “HOLAH Network” Where we support and guide people through the adoption process. We felt there was such a need for this as often you hear of people wanting to adopt but have no idea where to start. Since its launch, we have been inundated with requests. It has been quite remarkable. We are so passionate about adoption, and it would be something special if this new project could see even more people adopting.Try as we might, Now that we have not just one but two houses, with greater responsibility, comes greater expenses, and even with giving our all, it would seem, it is not quite enough; we are still needing;Groceries to see us through the school holidays and Christmas festivities. With all these little mouths to feed, and nine rotating staff. We go through a lot of food because we don’t just have babies in our home, these 6, 7and 8-year olds seem to eat more than the grown-ups.
We are often donated small nappies being a baby house, BUT our older kids with Cerebral palsy also need nappies. We really need nappies sizes 4,5 and 6
to make our new home perfect for the different ages, boys and girls we still need some items below;
Soccer nets
Draws and cupboards
Outside lights
Decorating the 2 HOLAH cottages
Kids road and road signs around the jungle gym
Canopy/awning over the outside play area
Tarmac to make it easier for wheelchairs around the bottom cottage.Every little bit counts and for every single one of you, we are forever grateful

Donate To Likhon iThemba

Donate Straight Into Our Bank Account:Likhon iThemba
FNB – Durban North
Branch Code – 220426
Account Number – 62396663918OR Donate through a Checkers Voucher using Kim's mobile number
083 232 5501


Donate using the Zapper QR Code below

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