HOLAH Golf Day

Home / HOLAH Golf Day
 Enjoy a day on the Golf Course and BE A PART OF THE DIFFERENCE at HOLAH within your community ⛳️⛳️⛳️ WHO IS HOLAH? HOLAH is a KZN-based crisis home for babies, toddlers, and children with special needs. An NPO bridging the gap between abandonment and successful adoption or healthy reunification, fulfilling a dire need for a loving, constant environment for children who are in-between homes. For some, HOLAH is and will remain their forever home. And we make that happen too! On Thursday the 27th of July 2023 HOLAH will host a golf day at the Royal Durban Golf Club. Two Tee starts at 10h00. 
  • R3200 per 4 ball
  • Dinner & Prize Giving included
  • R1000 for sponsored Tee/Green
  • Donations & prizes welcome
 Contact Liza for information and bookings 082 041 0495 / admin@likhonithemba.co.za Please contact Royal DGC directly for caddies/golf cart bookings (first come first served basis) 031 309 1373