What a crazy few weeks we have had here at HOLAH!3 weeks ago there were a total of 9 babies, toddlers and older children with special needs in our care. Fast forward to today, and we have 18! Yup, we have doubled the number of children in our crises and long-term care in just a few sleeps! December is always a busy time for us, we get a lot of children coming through our doors over the festive season, but Christmas came early for us at HOLAH and all the other crisis homes around KZN this year, across the board we are at our maximum and are all worried about the little ones that will need a safe space to go to in the coming weeks. For now, we can say that HOLAH baby house and home for children with special needs is a full and happy home this festive season. We are enjoying the chaos and the sounds of so many children laughing and playing, luckily just a few tears here and there…So let us introduce you to these special little people’s arrival stories: The craziness began at HOLAH with a 4-month-old little girl with medical needs, then 3 siblings that were living in a park with their mom, a 6-year-old little boy with cerebral palsy, a 4-day-old little boy found in a park, a 4-month-old little boy removed from his caregivers and another 4-month-old little girl left in a women’s shelter also with medical needs.It’s hard to imagine what these little lives have already had to go through but what matters is that they are now safe and loved here at HOLAH.When we take these beautiful children into our care there is so much more that goes into it besides the love, care, food and shelter we give them. There is endless running around and organising that goes into it; Hospital visits to get medical clearance, visits to welfare, meetings at DSD, meetings with SAPS, court appearances and clinic appointments, And of course, more children mean more expenses. Everything from petrol, food, nappies, formula, and school fees. But the biggest cost is having to employ temporary staff to help us get through this busy time and ensure we stick to our values of making sure every child at HOLAH is part of our family and is loved and cared for and given the best we can give. But we cannot do this alone.
We need you. A proverb that we have all heard before really rings true:
“It takes a village to raise a child” An entire community of people must provide for and interact positively with children for those children to experience and grow in a safe and healthy environment.To make a difference and help HOLAH donate to:
Likhon iThembaFNB
Ref; crises care